20 November 2019

Fife Interfaith’s Annual Lecture.

Fife Interfaith Group.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was the destination of Global Acts of Unity on the cold and wet night of 13th November. This church was in Kirkcaldy and we were invited to present at the Fife Interfaith Group’s Annual Lecture.

Global Acts of Unity were very honoured and privileged to speak at such an important event.

The aim of the Fife Interfaith Group is to bring together people of all faiths in Fife and advance public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teaching, traditions and practices of the different faith communities in Fife.

FIG’s objectives are;

  • Provide a platform for communication between faith communities, regional authorities, business and educational institutions
  • Promote mutual understanding, collaboration and good relations between faith communities and wider society
  • Offering opportunities for faith communities to share best practice on issues of common concerns.
  • Highlighting and celebrating the positive contribution of religious groups


The Fife Interfaith Group is open to one and all and welcomes new members. You can find out more about FIG by emailing them at fifeinterfaith@live.co.uk.

The Presentation.

There was a great representation of the different faiths of Kirkcaldy in the audience for the presentation. Many tears were shed as I told the story of my family and my brother’s murder. When it came to the Question and Answer Session, there were many questions covering all sorts of topics. We could have gone on long into the night so many were wanting to chat.

The Chair of FIG brought the official part of the evening to a close with a gift of flowers for my wife and a beautiful pair of gloves for myself. A retiring collection for Global Acts of Unity was very kindly donated by the members. Refreshments had been laid on by the members of FIG and the discussions continued.

Last Thoughts.

Our evening spent with Fife Interfaith Group was lovely. We really enjoyed chatting with the members and representatives. Groups such as this fine example are so important in breaking down the barriers. They are key elements in the stand for unity and the rejection of hatred. I was very proud to have been invited.

Fife Interfaith Group, GAU thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the collection. That donation will go towards ensuring the message of peace, tolerance and unity continues.

Over & Out,
